Thursday, February 23, 2017

Belle Update: Feb 23

Today we found out that her platelet count was low. I don't believe it's a cause for too much concern. I'm just learning now what it all means. Can we describe this as on-the-go-parenting? I have so much to learn.

I hear a lot of preemies go through this, though. Something about the blood not being able to clot. I just googled it. It's called thrombocytopenia. Uh-huh. Anyway, she had to increase those good clotting platelets and it's just a yellowish liquid that she gets via tube/IV, so it's not actually blood she's getting. I'm learning things!

Another worry we've been having is around her heart. The nurses have been telling us that her heart rate dips at certain points, but then comes back up. I'm almost sure this is normal too. It's just scary to think about her heart like that. Ugh. We need to stay positive. I came home today after visiting my parents and Kiera was crying in the kitchen. She's really scared. Hugs go a long way. I'm learning more things!

Her hemoglobin was also low today, so they've given her a bit more of that recently too. The staff at Mount Sinai are so great. It's like a Dream Team of doctors and nurses. Can't say enough about those guys. YOU DA REAL MVP'S.

Otherwise she's doing great. They keep telling us how wonderful she is. We're really lucky. We have so much to be thankful for! 

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