Friday, February 24, 2017

Belle Update: Feb 24

Belle's doing well today. She's tuckered out from a long day of ultrasounds and x-rays. When we're not able to go and see her we call the NICU and they forward our call to the nurse who's taking care of her. For some reason we tense up every time we call. For the most part it's been great news. Regular preemie stuff. I pray to God that it continues. People have told us to brace ourselves for ups and downs, so we're a bit on edge. Can't help feeling scared. 

Apparently Belle was a great candidate for an IV PICC line today (so they took out her belly button line, and put a regular IV into her arm). This way we'll be able to have cuddle time without having to worry about her IV detaching from her belly. Much safer for everyone.

Hopefully tomorrow Kiera can finally cuddle her baby. I can tell that she really aches to hold her.

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