Cheers to all the moms out there.
This was a photo from our first night at the hospital following the birth of little Arabella via c-section. You can tell Kiera has her precious baby on her mind.
Hours and hours later, when we're trying to sleep and finally get rest, one of us would wake the other one up and whisper "Psssttt!! Can you believe what just happened?" and the other would say "No! This is absolutely insane!" and then we'd talk for the next hour or two - - - until we were tired once again. Rinse and repeat.
I don't know how anyone can sleep in a hospital. Maybe by the second night I slept 3-4 hours. That was a great night in comparison to the first one.
The day Belle was born we didn't know we were going to have a c-section, it wasn't planned, but somehow we got the right signs from God that morning, all of the green lights to proceed, which in turn gave us the courage to do whatever we had to in order to get this baby out and give her a chance to thrive. My mom had a good feeling about everything. Kiera's mom had positive feelings as well. Mothers' intuition is something you just can't ignore.
At around 5am (14 hours post-surgery) Kiera finally had the strength to get up from her bed, shimmy into a wheelchair (obviously I helped), and we both went up to the 17th floor so she could see her baby girl for the first time. During the entire surgery, and even right after, Kiera never actually got to see her. There was too much going on. A drape covering her body below her neck prevented her from seeing anything at all. She would have fainted if she saw what was going on. I was lucky to have seen the baby come out, and then another 2-3 times before Kiera even got a tiny glimpse of her. It was a sacrifice she had to make. I do remember thanking her as soon as the baby came out.
So once again, cheers to all the moms out there. To all the moms who have to battle through surgery and child birth, all of the pressure, pain, and anguish. They truly sacrifice everything for their children. And even if those children are 33 years old and have kids of their own, they'll always be your children. And mothers will always want what is best for their children, and do whatever it takes. So thank you mothers.
This was my first photo of Belle. Welcome to the world little one!
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