Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Belle Update: Feb 28

The nurse said Arabella was doing well today. She was active and feisty when we got there so that eased our minds a bit. Her arms and hands were all over the place, pulling and tugging on the wires connected to her. Belle likes to help the nurses in whatever way she can. 

Something about last night just spooked us. But this morning it was bright and busy in the NICU.

A new day. 

They are going to be increasing her feeds tonight to 3mL (from 2mL). She's tolerating her food so that's a good sign. Hopefully she will start to gain weight and we can stop worrying so much. She can't really afford to lose any more.

Kiera and I were both able to give her a belly kiss today after Belle's skin-to-skin time. That's something new. She was so calm with Kiera. Basically sleeping the entire time they were together. She didn't want to acknowledge her dad today. She barely opened her eyes but I know she can hear me. 

I might hold her tonight or tomorrow. The nurses keep asking me when I'm going to do it. They probably think I'm scared but I just want Kiera to have her time with her. 

We're going back again to see Belle in a few hours. There's a class tonight too. It's all about "interacting with baby" so we're going to check it out. 

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