Thursday, February 23, 2017

Tummy time!

I really like this shot. Kiera took this one. Great job, honey. 

Belle's had a lot of time on her belly now. Maybe two days or so. She really enjoys it. She's been sleeping every time we've seen her the last few days. I like how the nurses turn her over and make sure she's not sore on any given spot for too long. She's so pampered huh?

I've been afraid to touch her for the longest time, too scared to bring any contaminants into the incubator (I'm just overly paranoid) but for the last few days I've been patting Belle on her bum. I caressed her ever so softy and Kiera was instantly telling me to "stop doing it so hard". That's a mother's worry right there. Kiera's just as paranoid as I am. Great. Double the fun!

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