Saturday, August 5, 2017

A league of her own

This morning the entire staff was surprised by Arabella's overnight oxymetry test results. They didn't think she would do so well. 

Belle lasted 6 hours without any supplemental oxygen. It was shut off entirely.

Midway through the test she had to push a little bit harder. Daddy was there watching. Her work-of-breathing was very subtle. Her heart-rate climbed slightly higher with each passing hour, but she still held her ground.

"That's my girl", I thought to myself, "Look at her go."

If we left Belle on room air long enough, however, she would eventually start to struggle. The Pediatric staff know about her lung and pulmonary history so the chances of us going home without oxygen are still pretty slim. 

Tests never tell you the whole story.

Bella might be okay for a few hours, but she likely wouldn't withstand an entire day without oxygen. She would be thoroughly worn out. And that's no way to treat a lady! 

Speaking of worn out...

Belle has her own pace and tempo that we must respect. We know we can't push her too quickly, but then again she often surprises us, too. 

She puzzles everyone here at one point or another.

I think all preemies (and kids in general) are unique and unpredictable like that. As soon as we try to categorize them, they flip the script on us. 

You think you know them...and then they show you a thing or two 😁

We'll see how many surprises Belle has in store for us before we're discharged. And how many surprises await us in the months and years ahead? I wonder...

This is just the beginning.

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