Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Some days

Peaceful moments are always kind of special. You learn to cherish them 😉

"What are you saying, dad?"

"Oh, I'm not referring to you Belle. What I mean is that some days your mom and I have a lot going on. It can be peaceful one minute, and a little bit chaotic the next. You've seen it around here, right?"

Belle knows what I'm talking about 😄

Some days Kiera and I are super busy. Some days we're simply trying to accomplish too much. And some days we really overwhelm ourselves.

Then you get the odd day where it feels like you're constantly running behind schedule and you can never really catch up. Everything feels like it's rushed. Those days aren't fun. 

It's not always storybook bliss, is basically what I'm saying, and I think everyone is well aware of that reality. There's lots to do and manage when taking care of a baby. Some days are jam-packed with all sorts of stuff. And as parents, we all get moments of frustration. We forget to eat. We get cranky, too. Let's face it - we're all a bunch of babies some days 😊

Some days feel completely chaotic, and sometimes the chaos only lasts for a short while. That's why we all have to relish in those quiet, peaceful moments. 

But do you know when there's usually guaranteed peacefulness?

Between the hours of 10pm and 3am when Belle is in a deep sleep 😄. During that time she transforms into a sleeping Bella (who occasionally grunts and squeals like a little piggy). 

Anything after 3am is "at your own risk" territory, though. She starts to stir a lot more, but with a little consoling she can sometimes continue to sleep and rest until 5 or even 6am. She's a very good sleeper during the night, and we have absolutely no reason to complain.

So although some days are a little bit more chaotic than others, at the end of every day we always try to stop and thank God for this amazing miracle.

We're fortunate to be so busy. We should be grateful to be so overwhelmed sometimes. And we should never forget that.

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