Saturday, August 26, 2017

Fun Friday

Today was a fun Friday.

There's nothing better than hanging out at home with Arabella. So many activities! So much undivided attention! Does it get any better than this?

"How about we go on a walk Belle? What do you think?"

That's one happy momma right there 😊

Belle's been out for a few walks and outings with us, but each time the daylight is simply too much for her. 

It takes her a while to get used to it, even under the shade of the covers. I swear, next time we're getting out the baby sunglasses! 😎

She fell asleep on the walk back home, so we decided to spend some time in our tiny backyard. A chance for some more fresh air.

Ten minutes later Belle was done with her nap 😄 so dad picked her up and walked with her. I helped her touch the cedar trees and I think she was fascinated by the texture.

In the shade it was a touch cooler, so we switched her hat for one that would cover her ears. 

"Oh shoot, it's 3pm! Quick mom, warm the bottle!"

We typically feed her left-side lying. Apparently it's easier for her to swallow in this position, it's very natural, and she's less likely to aspirate.

We've picked up all sorts of tricks from nurses and occupational therapists, and of course we do our own research, too. We've tried all kinds of positions and techniques. Somehow the left lying gets the best results. 

Bella didn't finish any of her bottles either today 😕 but that's okay. She's still a superstar 😃

It was bath night so in the early evening we washed her and gave her a new outfit.

Following her bath we played for a while longer, and eventually she tired out. 
She's such a fantastic little lady. We all had a great day!

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