Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Never-ending story

We're approaching the end of another chapter in the Arabella saga. The suspense is escalating, and we're only pages away from a big reveal. Mom and dad can't seem put the book down. Their eyes are tired but they refuse to rest until the chapter is over. 

"We're almost at the end. Just a little bit left."

Wait until mom and dad find out the real truth...that the chapters never really end 😄

"Oh, mom and dad! You didn't know? No one ever told you? You're reading a never-ending story!"

We're wrapping up our time at the hospital and preparing for Belle's eventual homecoming. There are a ton of things on our minds. Things like:

  • Oxygen set up and fees
  • Arabella's drugs and prescriptions
  • Special supplies we need at home
  • Final sit down with dietitian
  • Bone follow-up before discharge
  • CPR training
  • Car seat test
  • Appointments post-discharge

We decided to take Arabella for a quick walk today. No car seat or stroller necessary, just an old fashioned grab-and-go. She looked around in amazement as we strolled down the hallway. 

"Let's take her outside for a minute," we thought. "We can go to the patio area and step out with her into the daylight".

Bad idea!

It was too much for Arabella. She immediately shut her eyes and grimaced as we stepped out into the open. It was overcast, but it was still too much for her. 

We joked that she's a vampire ðŸ˜‚

Thank goodness this isn't the Twilight series, but funny enough, we do call her Bella! 

Anyway, we stayed under the cover of the rooftop and Arabella seemed to enjoy that. 

"How about a quick photo with mom by the shrubs, at least?"

Arabella's bound to that oxygen tank. I call it her ball and chain.

Fresh air does wonders, I suppose. She was exhausted on our walk back. 

It was nice to leave the room with her. Bella got to see the sights. We even went to her old stomping grounds, the NICU, to say hello to some of her former nurses. 

"Thank you for watching me, cuddling me, and taking care of me for so long", said Arabella. 

She adores all of her nurses 💗

Belle had a great day bottle feeding. We're finally seeing her take a bit more of the bottle these last few days. 

She was too tired for her 9pm feed, though, and we didn't want to force it on her. This was post-bath too, so she was extra tired and relaxed. We decided to let her rest. During times like this we simply pour the milk into the gravity bag and feed her via the tube. 

She did great today. It was an exciting day for all three of us 😊

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