Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The sweetest thing

Do you ever take a step back? 

Taking a step back helps us understand the big picture. It means evaluating all of our pieces, and realizing what's important.

Taking a step back can help you move forward. You'll ask yourself, "What do I really care about in my life? And what can I do without?"

Life can feel so overwhelming and complicated sometimes. When I start to feel anxious, I take a step back to reflect on my own life. It's then that I realize my true vision. 

Family. Togetherness. That's all one ever needs in this world. 

Arabella passed her 6 hour fast today. Her blood sugar level remained stable throughout the entire fast, and we couldn't be happier. We weren't convinced that she could do it, but she sure proved all of us wrong. 

We were cheering for her during her final glucometer reading. "Wow, you did it Belle!"


After being poked almost constantly (every 3 hours on some days), Belle is finally done with pokes. Her battered heels can finally rest. The Endocrinology team was happy to leave her alone for good, and never poke her again. 

We were left speechless. 

She's making big moves for a little lady...

We also replaced her feeding tube and cannula today. She had tears in her eyes as we peeled off her old stickers, but she pushed through it. She's a tough girl. We eventually put new tape and stickers on her cheeks, and then gave her plenty of time to relax and regenerate.

She had a very busy day. 

She was tired from all of the excitement.

Get your rest little one. You've done great today 💗

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