Friday, September 22, 2017

Picture day: September 19 & 20

Bella finally said 'yes' to the dress, and she wanted to show you guys the big reveal.

She looks like a totally different girl in a dress, doesn't she?

"Care to explain that last statement, dadda?"

Do you see what I'm saying, Arabella? You have a thousand looks to you! I never know which one I'm going to get!

Catching the sunset from her stroller.

This was one of her night-time outfits. It says "bonne nuit" on the front, which means "good night" in French. Funny enough, that same night Arabella had one of the worst nights in a while. She was so cranky! Oh boy! Kiera and I laughed about it the next day, because it was definitely not a "bonne nuit" for any of us! 

I love this picture of her. She looks so shy and bashful.

Here she is checking herself out in the mirror. Typical Bella! She talks to herself a lot now, too! "Ga! Ba! Ah!"

We bought her a "Munch Mitt" a few weeks ago. You put it on her hand so that she can chew on it (since she loves putting her fingers in her mouth so much)...

But she's still getting the hang of it... 

One of dad's birthday gifts to mom. Momma loves her Tinkerbell, and now it's official! 😃

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