Friday, September 15, 2017

European roots

"Hello there. Would you like some of this yummy thumb? I warmed it up for you..."

Classic Bella, napping with the soother halfway in her mouth.

Fall is almost here, and that means it's time to display those beautiful fall colours around the house. This lovely arrangement was made by my aunt Beata when we first moved into our home over 6 years ago. It's stunning, don't you think?

Kiera and I have been cleaning the place from top to bottom over the last two days. The dust never seems to stop! 

We also organized and rearranged a few things again. We never stop shuffling!

In the middle of the night I can freely go to the basement to organize our bins and belongings, or do some laundry without feeling rushed to check up on Bella. It's all thanks to this handy video monitor (another awesome gift we received). 

Can I take this opportunity to thank everyone again for all the gifts? You guys are so incredibly generous. Seriously! We are so lucky to have you guys supporting us!

"Pick me up dad! Let's go! I finished my food 10 minutes ago. That's enough laying and digesting!"

It was a warm and sunny day, so we decided to spend as much time outdoors as possible. "Bring out the toys, mom and dad!" shouts Belle. 

She had a very long nap in the afternoon today. And while she slept, mom went for a relaxing massage and dad soaked up some sun. 

"Ahhh...much better", we both said afterward 😃 "Feels so good!"

Babcia (grandma in Polish) is getting over the sniffles, so Arabella decided to call her on Skype. "Watch me Babcia!" she said. 

Did you know that Belle is half Polish? She is! She's 50% Polish, 25% Danish, and 25% British/English. She's a total Euro baby 😊

You can always tell when she's tired near the end of the day. That signature 'glossy-eyed' look...

All three of us are quite tired, actually. We're tired all day long! 😄 But boy, are we ever happy. I don't think we've ever been so overwhelmed, overworked, overtired, but overly fulfilled!

Sending out hugs and kisses to everyone, but especially to our family and friends overseas! Poland and Denmark - I'm looking at you! We love you guys and miss you! 💗

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