Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Work it out

"Look! Who's that Arabella?"

"Is that another baby?"

She was fascinated with herself 😂

Today was all about the tongue like we've never seen it before 😛. And I just happened to get it on video...

She's such a little rascal 😄

Dad has been slacking on the photos and videos, actually. We're enjoying ourselves too much to reach for the phone sometimes, and that's not a bad thing!

Kiera and I are having the time of our life with Arabella, and we're holding on tight to every precious moment. We've been warned over and over again: "These days aren't going to last forever". 

As a first-time father, I'm so glad to be home right now. No rushing off to work for this dad just yet. After speaking with my boss and HR, my workplace has given me the go-ahead to take a leave of absence until the new year, while Kiera is on maternity leave until July.

My job is secure. I don't need to worry, and I haven't lost any sleep over it, either. Work has been completely supportive of both Kiera and I from the very beginning (we work in different departments for the same company) and it has helped us tremendously to be able to focus on Arabella.

So until 2018, this dad is going to be at home providing extra support for the women in his life. 

How does that sound, Belle?

She's not so sure about it...

The way I see it, I'm never going to get this time back, so I'm making the most of it while we sort things out with Miss Arabella. The important thing is that the bills are still getting paid, we're not in financial ruin, and my job will be waiting for me when I return on January 2nd. Everything will work itself out 😉

Kiera's happy that I'm here to help, and I'm happy that we can all enjoy the extra time together. We're making up for lost time by doubling up our efforts, I suppose. And besides, two parents equal double the love! 😍😍

Raising a baby and managing a household is hard work, isn't it? I have a new appreciation for all parents out there, but especially for mothers (or fathers) who stay at home to raise their young children while their spouse goes to work. And then you have single parents (mainly women) who somehow do it all...

So I'll say it again: Kiera and I are very fortunate. We're blessed in so many ways!

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