Monday, September 25, 2017

Picture day: September 22 - 24

This is the second time that Arabella's worn this yellow dress since she got it. In a few weeks, it might not fit her any longer!

The weather has been absolutely amazing. So good, in fact, that we've been going on a ton of long walks and spending as much time outside as possible. It's like the summer we missed has somehow come around just for us...but on the 22nd it was officially the first day of Fall!

Here come the falling leaves!

Belle's such a good girl in the stroller. She just wants to sit and observe, and she doesn't want her walks to end!

She loves the stroller so much that if she gets overly cranky (close to her bedtime, for example), we simply place her inside and wheel her around the kitchen. She instantly calms down. It works like a charm! "Phew!", say mom and dad.

"Look at the nature Belle! Isn't it beautiful?"

Mom laying in the backyard with Arabella. There's nothing like a nice long nap outdoors!

Belle was loving it...

A close up of her long and beautiful eyelashes 😍

We've been sleeping outside, feeding outside, playing's been one of those amazing weeks for weather. 

Cuddles with momma...

We try and keep Belle off her back as much as possible, because when it comes time to feeding her, she's usually laying down for a good amount of time. If we pick her up too soon following a feed, it could mean losing a quarter or half of her meal! Arabella has been throwing up a lot more in the last few weeks, a lot more than usual - so we're being extra careful lately 😕

Sadly, she's still not interested in her bottle. She won't suck for more than a few seconds, and then she refuses the bottle entirely. Kiera and I are exclusively feeding her breast milk at this point (no formulas) to see if she would tolerate it better. We're trying all sorts of things out, but progress is always very slow. It will take a long time to see any kind of changes...

We've also started to introduce Arabella to solids! It's just a lick and a taste (for now), but we're slowly heading in that direction! We want her to get familiar with various tastes and textures - especially since we're having such trouble with the bottle. 

Overall, we shouldn't complain. We are so incredibly lucky to be in this position. Arabella's a total sweetheart, too. She's such a happy little girl. Everyday Kiera and I simply can't stop kissing her! 😘😘😘

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