Saturday, September 2, 2017

Picture day: September 1

Waking up from her morning snooze. And looking like such a big girl here! 

Oh, how I love those smiles!

Nom nom nom nom...

We recently started seeing her bring both hands together. It's something Kiera and I have been trying to encourage!

Time to practice her neck control with momma.

Now Bella needs to play in her bouncer so that mom and dad can quickly eat! (It's so easy to forget about yourself when you have a little one, huh?)

Sitting up against the couch like a big girl. When Belle leans back, her ears pop forward 😂

Both mom and dad have big ears too. I'm sorry to say that you're stuck with those Arabella 😐 ...or maybe you'll grow in to them?

We started doing tummy time on an incline (to make it easier for her), but sometimes she simply doesn't want to put in any work. 


Kiera and I place her hands and elbows in. We hold down her bum. We try everything in order to help her, but she rather just nom.

So we let her nom. Maybe later we'll try again 😄

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