Thursday, September 14, 2017

Boss baby

This is the life of a little Hobbit. She's happy living in her tiny hobbit-hole. 

We can call her Bella-Boo Baggins 😉 and about a month ago she came home following the biggest adventure of her life.

Home. Finally. This is where a Hobbit truly belongs.

Funny enough, according to J.R.R. Tolkien (author of 'The Hobbit') "...hobbits are inclined to be fat in the stomach; they dress in bright colours; wear no shoes; have good-natured faces; and laugh deep fruity laughs (especially after dinner)..."

Seems like a sure match to me! 😄

"I can't believe you compared me to a hobbit dad, seriously? Do you have anything else to write about?"

Oh, Belle, I meant no offence! Dad's just geeky about that stuff. I guess I'll have to read you 'The Hobbit' when you're older. You'll enjoy it, I promise!

This was Bella today, sans tubes and tapes. We're not used to seeing her like this, huh? 
Those poor cheeks of hers. I wish we could give them a longer break sometimes.

We removed all of her stickers and gave her a new feeding tube and cannula, all while a nurse supervised. We feel pretty confident doing these sorts of things ourselves, but it's always good to have someone back you up.

And here is our little Hobbit getting ready to eat her dinner. "Are you hungry Arabella? Open wide!"

"Nope. I'm just kidding mom and dad. I don't really want it..."

Here's mom having a stern discussion with Arabella regarding the importance of bottle feeding 😄

You tell her, Kiera!

And what's this? A new activity center? Another one?

It's yet another gift (this time from Nana) to a princess who will surely be spoiled at this rate (if not already!). 

Oh dear... 😟

After getting through the hardship of the NICU, preemie parents have a tendency to 'give in' to their kids as they grow older. 

"...They give her everything she wants so she doesn't have to suffer any more than she already has. Although this is a natural parental impulse, it can get out of hand," so says my preemie book. 

Did you read that mom? We need to be careful! Bella is already a Boss baby, so imagine what might happen in one or two years from now! Bella is going to be running the show...

"You guys have no idea what's coming for you..." says Bella. "You better buckle up!" 

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