Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bella 2.0.

The day went by so quick, but some days are like that, aren't they? You blink and they're over.

Today actually marked one full month since we've been home with Belle. Happy homecoming anniversary to us 😁

What a happy girl. Our days are filled with so many smiles, and there's nothing we love seeing more. That beautiful, precious, toothless smile...

She reminds us of an old lady sometimes 😄

She's such a daddy's girl already. She loves it when dad picks her up and walks around with her. It's her most treasured thing. Dad has the arm strength, and the extra cushion that Belle enjoys 😆

Mom, on the other hand, is already complaining about Arabella being too heavy. Dad simply shakes his head and says, "Time to hit the weights, Momma! Belle's not getting any smaller!"

So since mom doesn't have the muscle, dad must train his little girl to be tough and strong. Because who's going to help dad when he's old and weak? Certainly not Momma!

Arabella is going to grow up to be one tough girl. After all the things she's been through, it's only fair. 
She's already pretty tough, don't you think? 

This dad has nothing to worry about. She's definitely not weak and frail like she used to be. Those days are long gone. This is a different Bella now. This is Bella 2.0.

I just know she's going to do great things with her life. Lots of great and amazing things. And to me, that means being content in your own skin, seeking out new interests, pursuing your passions, and living a full and happy life. 

As times goes by, Arabella will never stop surprising us. You can bet on it 😊

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