Sunday, September 17, 2017

About this blog...

This is the gift we came home to following 3 nights at the hospital after Arabella's delivery. We came home absolutely tired and terrified, unsure of the future that was before us - but somehow this really cheered us up. Simple gestures can go a long way sometimes 💗

Since February 23 (6 days following Arabella's birth) I've posted something daily on this blog. That's 207 straight days of blog posts! Talk about commitment, huh? 😄

So far there have been 250+ posts that have been read over 60,000+ times from people all over the world. Who could have predicted that a little blog about a tiny baby girl would reach so many people in so many different countries? But it did!

I started this blog to keep everyone in the loop regarding Arabella's health. After Kiera and I raised money to temporarily move closer to the NICU, I felt like this was something we just had to do. The support we received was overwhelming. People genuinely wanted to know how Belle was doing, and a blog seemed like the best answer. It was the one place to go for anyone who wanted an update on her condition. 

Remember all the 'Belle Update' posts?

As the weeks went on, the blog gained momentum. It changed and morphed alongside Arabella. As she grew, so did the posts, and so did the amount of pictures I would post (t
here must be over a thousand pictures posted by now!). When Belle's condition became more stable, I felt like I could share and celebrate more with everyone, too.

Writing daily posts have helped me document this journey, but they've also been a form of therapy. You guys are my shoulder, my confidante. Writing here is like talking to a close friend about everything that's going on. We cry together, we laugh together, we share our ups and downs, and sometimes we even learn a thing or two.

So even though this blog is a little time consuming (and often times distracting to so many other things going on at home), I really want to keep it going - but maybe at a reduced pace. Going forward, some posts might only be photos, or accompanied by a quick blurb or two. It depends, really. Maybe I'll limit the longer, more revealing posts to once or twice a week? We'll see how things go! 

I just wanted to keep you guys in the loop! So if you see more picture posts, you should smile - because it means that dad's getting more rest throughout the night 😄

As always, thank you for supporting us and following our journey!



  1. I just realized that I've been reading your blog since Febuary. I know that's when she was born, but it just hit me that I was following her journey for so long. Every night, I would ask myself how she was doing. Hoping for the best.

    I guess since my daughter was due the same day as yours would have, I wanted to be supportive because having a premature baby can happen to anyone. I have learned a lot reading Belle's journey. Thank you for sharing.

    Don't worry about us followers, enjoy your life and family! long as there's pictures. ��

    1. Time flies, doesn't it?
      It makes me feel great knowing that that some of you have been following since the beginning. You've seen us go through so much with Belle!
      I can definitely guarantee pictures in the future. There's ALWAYS time for pictures. And even when she's a lot older there will still be things to talk and write about, I'm sure. But yes, it's definitely time to enjoy life and family more, and blog a little less =)
