Friday, July 14, 2017

A leisurely stroll

We took Arabella for a stroll today. It was a short walk outside of the NICU doors, but it felt liberating. Step by step, we're making our way towards the exit 😃

We were temped to run away with Belle. We laughed about it, but it was the absolute perfect opportunity for a getaway. 

"Let's goooo!" *screeching tires*

The nurse insisted that we take Arabella out. She set up the oxygen tank, hooked up the portable monitor, and we were on our way. 

And...Belle slept through it all.

Belle in mom's arms, overlooking the atrium. 

All of our core nurses go to great lengths for Arabella. They encourage Kiera and I constantly. They challenge us to be more assertive and confident. They offer an encouraging voice, in a sometimes timid and anxious environment. 

Belle loves all of her nurses.

They are like guardian angels, watching over her constantly. We owe them so so much. Sadly, we'll have to say goodbye to them all next week when Arabella's moved to another floor. We'll hardly see them. Maybe for short visits, if anything. 

It's happy and sad, all in one 😕

Arabella smiled many times today, but I don't always have my phone handy. Sometimes we put away the gadgets, because in real life the resolution is always awesome 😉

Her sugars have been stable over 48 hours. Thank goodness. They'll continue to check every 6 hours, especially now since she's starting to slowly bottle feed. 

The sugars are a real pain. They add another layer of complexity to the feeds. 

Belle's almost 2 months old (corrected). She's 3.2kg (7lbs), measuring 49cm in length. She's at the low end of the growth chart, but she's on the right track. She's making good gains!

She's already flying, and we're tremendously proud of her. 

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