Saturday, July 29, 2017

Struggles with reflux

This little one had a rough start to her morning. 

It was the worst case of reflux we've ever seen from Belle. She even had milk coming out of her nose 😐

Kiera and I witnessed her spit-up plenty of times. It's nothing new. But this morning it looked like Belle was choking, and it scared us for a few seconds.

She was vomiting and heaving. It was intense. She couldn't even take a breath. Luckily she didn't turn colour, but her eyes were extremely red and teary. We placed her onto her side, and made sure she was breathing. We wiped her tears, cleaned her up, and consoled her. That's all one can really do.

Poor girl.

The rest of the day she was a little more cranky, so we made sure to be extra gentle and caring towards her. We tried not to overstimulate her either. We wanted her to rest and gather herself. 

Little ones like Belle get extremely full at the end of their feed. Sometimes they just can't contain the high amount of fluid. Other times they feel sick and nauseous, especially if they're backed up and don't poop regularly.

No one likes being stuffed like a duck. We would all be pretty frustrated, too. 

Since this morning, we've started to turn her onto her side, especially towards the end of a feed. Let's see if that helps her a bit. 

Reflux and pooping...these are just your average baby issues. Our struggles are very manageable right now, so we should celebrate that. 

Thank the Lord. Thank our lucky stars. 

Arabella is a 5 month old girl, in the body of a new born, dealing with mostly newborn issues, and a few extra problems that should all eventually fade away with time.

The road ahead looks so bright. Man, we are truly lucky to have the problems that we have 😊

1 comment:

  1. I had the same issues with my daughter, so much so I started looking for solutions to acid reflux. A small amount of apple cider vinegar mixed with 4 x the amount of water helps enomously.

    Have a look if you like at
