Thursday, July 20, 2017

Our own space

Yesterday was a tough day for all of us. 

It was Belle's first day in the Pediatric unit. It was a change of scenery, filled with new staff and different ways of doing things. On top of that, Belle was irritable. She wasn't acting like her usual self.

"What's going on?" we thought to ourselves. We felt lost, helpless and frustrated. 

The nurses in this unit do things differently, they don't know all the NICU tricks, and they don't know Arabella, but we have to adapt. It's a big shift for all of us. 

After spending 5 months in the NICU, we got used to certain things. We also got used to certain people. It meant trust and comfort, and it felt like we lost a lot of that yesterday. 

Who knew we would actually miss the NICU? The cool winds of change can be uncomfortable. 

Before being admitted to Pediatrics, we were told that a nurse would always be present in Arabella's new room. So when Belle was put into a large room shared with 3 other children, we thought she (and the other kids) would be under constant observation. 

But that's not exactly the case. There isn't always someone in the room. The nurses have the kids' vitals displayed on their cell phones, they can receive emergency notifications, but they only come around periodically. 

We were spoiled in the NICU. There was always a nurse in the room, and that eased our minds.

We felt uncomfortable leaving Arabella last night. There was no real space to spend the night there, either. 

Obviously, Belle is in good hands at the hospital, but knowing there isn't someone present in her room at all times was worrisome. 

Kiera and I went home, talked about it, and decided that we had to do something different. We needed a private room, and that's exactly what we got today. 

A private room happened to be available (free of charge) with enough space for at least one person to sleep comfortably, and the staff had no issue moving us across the hall. 

We knew that we needed to be there for Arabella. As parents, it was time to step up. No one will give her the type of attention that mom and dad give her. Sleeping arrangements will be tricky, but we'll figure it out. 

Sleep? Who needs sleep? 😁

She needs us right now.

She had a tough day again today. She spiked a fever and the staff suspect something is going on with her. They think it's either a cold, a bug in her stomach, or an infection, so we'll see what the blood and urine cultures show in the next day or two. 

There's never a dull moment around here, that's for sure.

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