Sunday, July 9, 2017

Belle Update: July 8

It's day two on the 'low flow' and Arabella's doing awesome. She seems a lot more comfortable.

Now that she's not getting any air pressure from the mask her tummy won't get so puffy. She should feel a lot better. Less bloating. Her face won't swell so much either. 

Low flow is much easier for mom and dad. No more large tubing that gets in the way between us and this precious face. 

I can kiss her forehead, her nose, between her eyes - something I haven't been able to do in months.

This experience teaches us to appreciate the little things.

Every hurdle that Arabella jumps over is another cheerful celebration.

She gives us so many laughs throughout the day. Belle makes some funny faces 😄

"Where's my thumb?"

"Oh, there it is. Thank you mommy" 


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