Saturday, July 15, 2017

Belle Update: July 14

She's daddy's girl, but she's mommy's world 💗

Arabella made great progress with bottle feeding today. She took most of her bottle on 3 occasions, gulping nearly all of her 58mL.

Halfway through the feed she'll begin to fall asleep, and that makes things a little challenging. She gets "milk drunk", as they say. Oral feeds are a lot of work for a tiny Tinkerbell. If she can't finish the entire bottle, the rest of her feed goes down her feeding tube, and that's perfectly alright. 

We only bottle feed Belle when she's awake and alert. When we notice that she's drowsy, we give her a break to burp her, and that usually wakes her up a little.

Sleepy. So very sleepy. 

Belle developed a rash over the last few days. It's mostly around her face. It must have been really uncomfortable for her, because she was continuously scratching her face. The doctor gave us some hydrocortisone cream and it seemed to help a little. 

No parent wants to see their child uncomfortable, but we can easily handle a minor rash after all of the things we've witnessed Belle go through. 

Later this evening Arabella received her immunization shot. It's the typical vaccine any 4 month old baby would get. It fights against whooping cough, polio, tetanus, rotavirus, etc. 

Following the shot, we noticed that she became a lot more irritable and fussy, but that's how it goes with vaccines sometimes. 

If it's not one thing, it's another. And such is life. 

Kiera and I stayed at the hospital extra late, but we wanted to make sure Belle was sleeping comfortably, especially after all of the aggravating things that bothered her today. Some nights she just really needs her momma and dadda by her side 💗 

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