Monday, July 3, 2017

Belle Update: July 2

Bella had another high temperature this morning, but when we arrived at the hospital it was coming back to normal. We breathed a sigh of relief. We don't want any more infections holding her back.

Today she slept through the entire day. Arabella's on her own schedule some days, but that's okay. 

Over the last week she's been awake for longer periods during the night. She's up in the early morning too, and then sleeping the entire afternoon, with a few brief moments of wakefulness towards the evening. 

Party all night, and sleep all day kind of attitude 😎

We had a little less interaction with her, but we're happy when she sleeps because it means that she's resting, growing, and developing. Nothing wrong with that!

Belle has a lot of catching up to do, but it's obvious how big she's getting. Yesterday she surpassed the 3 kilo mark (6.6lbs), which is quite amazing considering what she's been through over the last 4 months. 

Our next steps are to get Arabella's breathing under control, and hopefully wean her from some of the drugs that she's taking. 

Once Belle doesn't need so much air pressure (via the mask) we can work on her bottle feeding and see how she does. It might get tricky, though. Babies with chronic lung damage have a lot of issues with swallowing.

Overall, there are still a lot of unknowns, and a lot of things that can delay her progress, so we don't really have a timeline for when we can take Arabella home. We have to stay patient. We'll get there one day.

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