Sunday, July 2, 2017

Canada Day

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians. July 1st marked Canada's 150th birthday. It was a big one, and we had a great day celebrating it with Belle.

She didn't have anything red to wear, unfortunately, so white and pink would have to do. 

Arabella's oxygen needs were in the 25% range, and that's the best we've seen in a long time. The extra doses of diuretics have helped Belle get rid of the moisture in her lungs, which makes it easier for her to breathe. 

Her sugar medication was decreased again, and likely that also helped her lungs. Arabella's blood sugar has been good over the last few days, so we hope the Diazoxide dose continues to go down. 

Since we can't bottle-feed her yet (due to the air pressures in her mask) we continue to give her some small amounts of breast milk for taste.

She enjoys it so much. Her hands and legs move in delight.

We put her to bed and she was visibly happy from all of the events of today. We had a wonderful Canada Day.

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